Eat, Drink, Fuck

Caution dear reader, the following is an exercise in futility, a bslog, if you will:

Eat, drink, fuck -- our fate says so and then blames us for stretchy pants, cirrohis, and the herp lip. Bliss be damned.

Luck rhymes with fuck. Take Sarah Jessica Parker and Robert Downey Jr., who lived together in L.A. over 20 years ago and now share fame in largess, which is a word I've yet to use in Scrabulous.

Breathe too much, you'll hyperventilate, think too much, you'll go insane, dream too much and you just might change the world.

Type like shouting epithets down an empty hall, vain and sustained like carvings on a cave wall. Excavate is to Big Brown what Scrabulous is to Triple Crown.

Genius is overused like Google and the word like.

The world is a monster, so I say eat, drink and fuck to your heart's content, cause you're gonna die alone anyway.